I’m with the pizza party is a great repsonse or way to get away with anything. If you want something done or want something in general just refer that your in the pizza party. And you will get it.
Guy 1:Dude I want some pizza
Guy 2: can’t were out
Guy 1: but I’m with the pizza party

Guy 2: sorry sir I’ll get you pizza right away

Cop sir your not aloud to smoke marajuana in this area
Guy it’s ok I’m with the pizza party
Cop carry on then
by Legitscholarship dude December 17, 2018
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When a woman defecates in a man’s anus. Then she sucks it out.
John got a promotion. Jessica is going to give him a Tuscan pizza roll tonight.
by Tattedpiggies August 16, 2022
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Agreeing with someone just to be nice when you don’t really mean it.

As in you meet an old lady on the beach and she asks if she helped hold the door while you carry in pizza boxes and you agree even though you haven’t had pizza in a month.
by Jdubsyoyo4 June 18, 2020
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It's the closest thing to sex in pizza form. I have no clue what shit is in there, but damn is it tasty
"Man, I'd kill for a taco pizza, right now."

"What's in that shit anyway?"

"I don't know, man, but damn it's hella tasty!"
by JLJackalope June 25, 2020
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A dank pizza which is preferably from Chicago town or milanos
Let's get a fat Cheese Crust pizza
by dank lad October 25, 2015
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Telling people that they are a piece of shit, but with extra steps.
Little Jimmy: Knock Knock.
Bobert: Who’s there?
LJ: Yura Pizza.
Bobert: Yura Pizza who?
by Just Your Average Internet Boi September 7, 2021
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You eat so much pizza you end up bed ridden and in pain until you finally explode a few times in runny stinky shittiness
Boy 1: “man I took the biggest pizza shit this morning”
Boy 2: “ I hope you flushed for you sisters sake”
Boy 1: “I’ll be back!!!”
by TheFruitOfSorrow March 22, 2021
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