A great machine used to cool people down. Also a machine to use when you're hopeless for human fans so you get yourself a fan.
Can you on my fan in my room? Oh haha!!! You don't have real fans
by Clement John June 18, 2017
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Noun, short for "fanny". Means vagina and can also be used as a nickname that a group of friends all call each other.
"OMG stop being such a Fan"
"Oi Fan, what are you doing?"
by Jam_JamH August 5, 2017
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I'm screaming FAN shit 2020. F*ck wrong with that boy.
by OldMcJr August 8, 2020
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Definition 1: An object that has multiple blades, powered by electricity. When it spins, the air will be pushed to you, making you feel less hot.
Definition 2: A person or people who have interest in some topics and usually interact with said topic. The topics can range from people to object to their imagination.
Uses with definition 1: It was so hot that day so I turned on some fans to make me feel better.
Uses with definition 2: I often watch cartoons on TV all day, I think I’m a fan of cartoons now.
by Kajjssisjsjaisjs (Ka) May 24, 2023
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Lots of people use a fan so that they can cool of on a hot day.
Lisa is soo tired and she is in Hawaii so she would use a fan.
by Aishaisamaizing October 15, 2019
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A fan is someone who looks up to you and admires you. Or there’s the fan where you shouldn’t stick your dick in it or else it goes buh bye
Bro 1: Bro the fan cut off my dick
Bro 2: wack
by LilJesus8=D February 17, 2019
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A person who talks mad shit about a person then proceeds to lurk and keep up with that person who they shit talk about
She talks shit about you and you saw her viewing your story? That bitch is a FAN
by Haveinfun March 12, 2019
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