When you live in Mexico and have a gf in America and you about to visit her but Donald Trump just built a wall.
Jose: I was about to visit my girlfriend but I got cockblocked by Donald Trump.
Juan: No me gusta.
by not Jackie Chen October 4, 2017
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the act of cockblocking someone from a distance, this could be because you dont want one person to get with another or simply to ruin a party.
It is usually achieved by doing something outrageous or dangerous so you attract everyones attention in a certain area, such as running around naked at a social event.
It is also used by guys to stop their buddy's beer goggles as usually after such an event the effects of alcohol wear off slightly and judgement improves.
Guy 1: sorry for pulling a 50 yard cockblock at that party last night.
Guy 2: dont worry, man. I'm glad you did, the girl i was with was an absolute whale, it got her away from me!
by .brownie April 26, 2011
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A Group of individuals dedicated to the extinction and eradication of cockblocking entirely.
Jerry: "Man, i totally got cockblocked by that chicken!"

Dude #2: "Shoulda called the Anti-Cockblock Brigade"
by ACBBGuy1 December 8, 2009
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A sevice provided by someone to prevent from being cockblocked
I almost lost Sally, luckily i had H&R COCKBLOCK.
by chriswebz October 11, 2010
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When your business partner or boss deliberately and maliciously prevents you from advancing your career or business, SOLELY out of spite.
Dana: Ugh, I am in a fight with my partner, she is going to FOR SURE White Collar CockBlock this next hire. Uch, we need the help so badly.

Milo: Damn B, that's why you cant do 50/50 joint ventures, Bruh.

Dana: Uch, Preach girl.
by Mike109999 August 16, 2022
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The act of doing something so incredibly stupid while trying to get with a girl that it ruins your chances with said female.
Auto-Cockblock Asphyxiation:

At the party, Mark was hooking up with this girl. When he tried to ask her to come back to his place, he couldn't remember her name. She got so pissed, she stormed off. He totally auto-cockblock asphyxiated himself!

Everything was going great with Lauren untill we got in the cab. We were making out in the back for a few minutes when all of the sudden I got the spins real bad from all of those tequila shots. I tried to hold it back, but I threw up all over her. Now she won't answer any of my calls or texts. I completely auto-cockblock asphyxiated myself!
by bar terminology October 18, 2011
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Just like cockblocked by steve jobs....only Tim Cook is the new CEO. When you are about to hit on somebody, only they pull out their ipod and plug in their headphones, blocking them from the outside world.
Jacob: Saw this girl on the train on the way to atlanta, was about to go hit on her but then she pulled out her ipod....

Chris: Damn son you got cockblocked by Steve Jobs.

Jacob: Nope....cockblocked by Tim Cook.
by Juhurty October 5, 2011
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