SWEET HOME ALABAMA is what you say when your best friend kisses his sister
What the fuck Richard why did you kiss your sister that's SHA
by Big boi 735374756327 February 17, 2021
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A word of absolute meaning used by couples to express confusion, surprise, happiness or any emotion with different abbreviations .
1:Babe im pregnant
by _d-god_ August 15, 2021
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Sha, a very beautiful person and a loving one, cares for you and always praise you to cheer up. A very funny person and always loyal. This person always liked to be alone in his/her room. But want someone to talk with them, really into what in they do in their head, this person really is a dumbass but smart if they study something. A really daydreaming person. This person probably is an INFP.
"Woah, I wish I were sha!"

"Dude no-"
by Letmeuseofanamemf November 23, 2021
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meaning absolutly nothing, but fun to say
by RiddleBox November 6, 2007
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Derived from or abbreviated form of the word Shower. Originating in Cincinnati Ohio, this slang term has wide spread use in the language of young white males between the ages of 18-20.
"I'm going to take a Shoa-Sha-Rito man."
"Man, I'm about to take a Shoa-Sha-Rito"
by Charles Redman February 24, 2006
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