If you know a girl named Madison, Madelynn, or Madeline, she’s most likely a Maddie. Maddie is smart, strong, and kind. She’s not afraid to let you know if shit ain’t right.
Oh, you know Maddie? That’s great! I’m sure you too are great friends!
by MerryThanksgiving447 November 29, 2019
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Usually a brunette with either emerald or blue eyes. Usually nerdy, addicted to tv shows such as Supernatural and loves British television. She usually has many friends but sometimes loses them due to her temper. Her temper is terrible and many people are afraid of her if they ever enrage her. Her soulmates usually don't exist because she's busily fangirling over celebrities. Her longer name is usually Madeline but don't call her that, she will hate you.
Guy 1: Man I met someone today. she was amazing!
Guy 2: You must have met a Maddie
by Morris Moss May 3, 2014
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Maddie is a funny, kind, and smart girl who's everyone's friend!
I'm so lucky I have a friend that's a Maddie!
by Emmarose.123 December 16, 2016
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A maddie is a can from which you drink either a beer, ale or cider from. It is derived from the name Madeleine McCann; if you say McCann in a geordie accent it sound like "Mee can".

It's broken down from Madeleine McCann - McCann - Mee can - A Maddie.
Hey, C-Dog! You fancy a Maddie or two after work marra?
by MrMacc July 31, 2019
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Maddie is the most kick ass mother****er in the world. She is also probably the most beautiful person on earth. Usually with blondish hair and bluish eyes, her beauty blinds everyone that glimpses at her. Every girl envies her beauty and personality, every boy envies the boy that is with her.
Person 1: OMG that girl is beautiful!
Person 2: Of course she is, she's a Maddie!
by Urbn Dictionary October 31, 2013
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Weirdest unit, great girl though :)

thinks she is the best, cause she is
by storey November 6, 2012
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Person 1- "Wow she looks depressed"
Person2- "Yeah and she keeps saying 'gang gang'"
Person1- "She must be a Maddie."
by GangGang15300 October 2, 2017
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