Billie Eillish is so sad and depressed, her songs give me depression😭.”
by Kekekwkwkwkwwk November 13, 2019
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Something a shit load of white kids fake having after listening to XXXTENTACION
Faked depressed white kid: "I want to kill myself."

A normal human being: "You better shut the fuck up you fake ass depression having ass white cracker trailer trash."
by Lord Headass January 4, 2019
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That feeling that nothing matters. In other words, if you have depression, see it as a good thing because your mind has expanded and you can see the complete and utter emptiness that is to come.
1: Hey do you have depression?
2: Erm.. yes...
1: OMG that’s so cool bro, you know the truth of the universe!
2: *crying and shaking in the corner* I sure as hell do...
by 69is_funny69 October 27, 2019
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Someone who is depressed. These individuals asks for advice and then turns around and does the complete opposite..then blames you for not helping when you tried to help and goes the total opposite way. Also they complains about everyyyyyy single thing! They also complains about not having enough money but turns around and spends money on pointless things. They are also downers.
by jndw July 8, 2011
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Depression is when someone is sad :(
by Hibikki September 25, 2017
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