A smart funny HOT lovely guy who is your friend no matter what but maybe more if you know what I mean. Never leave Clayton
Girl: wow Clayton is so cool!
other Girl: Clayton is a lot more than cool
by Vsco_ Chicken_nugget November 17, 2019
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The most kind hearted, amazing, sweet, kind person ever. They’re great soulmates. Adorable and loving. Ever find him, don’t EVER lose him. Keep him held tight. Clayton’s are very sensitive and sexy
by JJ the bae April 14, 2018
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A guy who will lie to you and cheat on you and make you feel like your nothing.
by Cait smith May 28, 2019
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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s look alike. Clayton is pretty much Dwaynes son.
Clayton… oh my bad I mean DWAYNE I smell what you’re cooking!
by Bubba thom November 24, 2021
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The gayest of the gayest. They want to be in the army and love America. Donald trump is their role model and they love blow jobs.
Did you hear about Clayton fucking another dude today?
by armylover6969 June 22, 2020
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Clayton is the best person ever. He always puts a smile on your face and gives the best hugs. He makes you laugh and smile in every way! Clayton is the type of person who puts others before himself and ensures you always have what you need. Clayton is also very handsome, every girl that walks past him falls in love, but he only has eyes for one girl. Clayton is also a gentleman. He is the type of person that holds the door and lets you go before him for anything (except maybe if there was a line for being the best boyfriend, he is always first in that line!) Clayton is the type of guy that mothers look at their daughters and say, "Look at him, isn't he cute!" Everyone loves Clayton exceptionally his girl!
You can't have the perfect boyfriend unless you have Clayton!"
by clayton's-#1girl November 14, 2022
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He is some nobody like everyone else, they have absolutely no redeeming qualities, if someone is named Clayton, don't expect much.
Person 1 :Omg did you see the new kid.
Person 2: Yeah but they are a total Clayton
by StoneBoy69 March 2, 2018
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