A person who always takes jokes to seriously, and takes things personally
"Bro I said this chick was a jerk last night, and she stormed off"
"Don't worry bro she probably just had big finnish energy
by _kiddy_ August 16, 2019
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Something that gives off major fall vibes or just radiates pumpkin spice, flannels, and Ugg’s
Wow Emily has big leaf energy today with her pumpkin spice latte and flannel on
by Naginrej_enirehtak_amme October 14, 2020
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A person who radiates adaptability in social environments (i.e., switching between alpha and beta).
“Oh, they just changed that deadline.”
“That’s okay. She can get it done. She has big delta energy.”

Whatever you need, he can do it. He’s got big delta energy.
by RedHeart22 March 30, 2022
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The loud and boisterous energy emitted by someone who has a colossal Peroni beer (at least 66 cl) in his hand and doesn't care to share it with anyone. The energy speaks for itself. The big Peroni bottle is always sweating, like its owner, and tells it's own story. Everyone strives for Big Peroni Energy. Only few possess such a gift. People with Big Peroni Energy possess qualities such as resilience, indifference towards others, southern italian heritage, irritable bowel syndrome, and a "never pay more than 2.50 for a drink" aura. Great belly too.
Look, there goes Maurizio with that Big Peroni Energy. He is unstoppable.
by La Condensa September 5, 2023
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