Bad ass mother Fucker. Defying odds and living life to the fullest. Pryor claims this BAMF
That dude is a BAMF they call him the one handed bandit
by wtf is wrong with people September 8, 2021
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Bad Ass Mother Fucker

Delusional baller, Drake and Bad bunny wannabe. Finally, LGBT savior
Damn... Man, you're such a BAMF
by depressiveinfunc April 18, 2019
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BAMF= Bad ass motherfucker, Consists of making some kind of mustache and posting it on myspace. Can also be a action Bamfing this Bamfing that.
OHMYGOD You're such a BAMF.
Let's Bamf!
by LizzySON May 1, 2009
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"I just saw john wrestle a bear then bang shawn's girl, he's such a Bamf."
by SuckAWang April 8, 2015
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techinical definition meaning just us bad ass motherfuckers. created by two bamfs with a poontang
dude...justus bamf need to go pootytang allowed
by tp mb June 18, 2008
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