aqua is the color of an aura
what does it mean
my aqua aura has me baffled
what does it mean
by hoffans May 13, 2017
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Verb. To slide uncontrollably on a wet surface.
The car’s tires were aqua plaining in the partially flooded roads.
by B-rizzle December 23, 2018
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these 4 bitches from mobile,al you know who you are
Damn, did you see aqua skeet skeet and the gang man dem hoes is stuck up.
by coollikedat August 20, 2009
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When some one takes a dump on someone with blue eyes.
by knucklesdawson November 27, 2008
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A vagina which is utilized underwater involving a penis . Both male and female are in intercourse at this very moment
Dave fucked her aqua punani yesterday at that house party
by pseufhgygdyfhnhg December 22, 2017
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The art of packing someone out in a video game then strangling your significant other with your penis.
i did such a dirty aqua last night it was crazy
by Aqua0_0 October 23, 2022
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The act of going in to the pool or sea without wiping the nut of your penis
Bruh, don’t go in there i just aqua nutted there.

All the fish in that pound have been aqua nutted.
by Flantman1 July 13, 2019
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