Now obviously STANFORD doesn't want you as they say in. BURLINGTON GAME as the convenience to WHOLE FOODS MARKET to TONGA , FIJI, MELANASIA just didn't PAN OUT as the ELDER ABUSE FRAME ANAL ALAN well this TONGA DUDE who made up a nonsense CHINESE WORD NAME LANG TU failed to not only extinguish the receipt to me but the ...ADULT CYAN IDE GA ME the card I picked "I AM A PIECE OF SHIT" KEVIN NISHITA " was SAN JOSE MEDIA MURDERED..plus the two bottles of PEDIALYTE as he kept them after I said there would be repercussions for ruining my TARGET MERCHANDISE AND SUITCASES Later YOGI from FIGI at the STANFORD HOTEL and the PENULTIMATE EVENT that all parties arrangement have him UNION CITY but due to this happening AMAZON has DECIDED TO STOP SELLING THAT GAME AT THEIR BOOKSTORES and ANDY JASSY has decided to send CHOP SHOP VILE CUMT plus has decides AMAZON ISLANDS CANCELLATION is in order.
by DISTRAUGHT August 16, 2022
When a girl goes without a bra. (Braless) Which is a play on the mythical Amazonian all female tribes.
The top half version of Going Commando. for girls.
"I'm so jealous of becky, she's only a A-cup, so she's been Going Amazon whenever she wants and not get called a slut."
"I love this dress, I'm Going Amazon in it and no one even notices."
by JustAgirl July 18, 2013
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The ghetto version of "Netflix and chill." As in, when two people get together to fuck under the guise of watching a movie, however, neither is a subscriber to Netflix but rather to its less popular wannabe counterpart, Amazon Prime Instant Video
Aaron:Hey babe wanna Netflix and Chill

Emma:Hell No!

Aaron:How about Amazon Prime and Recline
Emma:Oh sure!

Aaron:*grabs lube*
by UKnowWhoIAm November 8, 2015
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Oh I can't wait until jem comes so we can netflix and amazon
by JekNienhdubd January 6, 2016
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A type of arboreal frog native to the Amazon Rainforest that looks like he has a lil suit
Amazon Milk Frogs make great starter pets. Also, f r o g.
by gobeldigook August 22, 2023
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A fake police officer (usually located in Florida) who purchases deceptive items from Amazon in order to fulfill a deeply rooted psychiatric desire for a false sense of superiority & control.
Amazon Cop: A suspect was detained for having red and blue flashing lights in his vehicle, while wearing a "Police issued" Police Halloween costume.
by Shellbacks Club🐢 April 14, 2023
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Noun: The sensation of burning in the throat after smoking ganja.
omg I just smoked the biggest bowl, I have the Amazon Forest Fires
by ganjagrace February 24, 2021
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