The fine art of pooping in your own hand too finger your woman
We got wild last night! I hit her with the ol West Texas Poop Claw!
by Jack Kingofferson March 31, 2020
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When two people, if both girls wearing 10+ inch strap-on dildos, sodomize each other very roughly until they can achieve a Pink Sock.
The man in the relationship then grips their mouth or hands firmly on the exposed rectum and then spin them around until there is enough centrifugal force to throw him or her across the room.
Francine: Hey, Jenny you're walking funny today, do anything different last night?
Jenny: Me and Earl decided to try out the Texas Tilt-a-Whirl.
Francine: wow, hardcore! how'd it feel?
Jenny: it was pretty exhilarating.
by Dats Nasty February 19, 2014
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When after eating chile you experience extremly spicy diarrhea.
"Oh damn someone left some texas hot sauce in the bathroom."

Garrett:"Oh sorry. I didnt think anyone would notice."
by Asian Kid pwns Friend February 12, 2012
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The mess you have to clean off your toilet after a terrible Mexican dinner.
Guy 1: Dude did you see that toilet? Its covered in some major texas booty sauce.

Guy 2: yeah man, who ever did that must have had some bad Mexican food
by Deathbybacon December 29, 2016
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