In cars/auto/racing, refers to the vehicle's computers that attempt to prevent the driver from doing things that are potentially harmful to the vehicle or dangerous for the driver (such as traction control preventing oversteering/"drifting").

Turning the nannies off is usually desired for sport/race driving.
I took the 86 onto the track yesterday & after turning off the nannies I found I had a significant faster lap time.
by Anonyfur June 6, 2021
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Fine chocolate Queen, respectful,educated and amazing in bed.
Damn have y’all met Nanny???
by Nikkijill November 26, 2018
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Nanny is the name of a Mexican grandmother. She has a big butt. And drinks only filtered water. She makes masks for the corona virus season. And her favorite grandchild is named Annabelle.
Omg. Did you see Nanny? She is such a cool grandma!
by Ebecca April 11, 2020
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Short for ‘Shenanigans

A situation; a move; Freak activities; To attempt to flirt with a man or woman

Derived from Washington, D.C. neighborhood, Florida Park in Northwest.
Kevin took Sade to his room, they must be on Nannies!

I see you looking at her, Are You on Nannies?

I knew something was about to happen, they looked like they was on Nannies since they got here!

I’m staying home tonight, I got Nannies at the crib!
by moneypowerrespect88 February 4, 2023
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To be very blessed.
I am feeling nanny today!

by faithie822 December 10, 2017
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