A game you got to try 50/20 mode and realized you wasted your money, And now feel like an idiot
Ultimate custom night "Yo bro have you ever played Fnaf Ultimate custom night". "No. But it played me out of my money.
by Somefnafdudewhogotplayed.. February 7, 2022
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When a company or organization provides customer service that exceeds all expectations and you walk away feeling like a pretty princess. Abbreviated as UCE.
I just went to the scooter shop and had the ultimate customer experience.
by babouarcher June 30, 2017
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The sweetest and loveliest person to ever grace the earth. Someone who is very attentive and cute.
Wow, they're really a Custom-kun, huh?
by Reggie Zarola October 28, 2020
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Term used to describe Custom Cards posted on the Duelingbook main menu by a random person.
M.M. Rando "Hey check out this cool custom card(s) I made! I hope its balanced!"
Protagonist "Customs Bad"
by TheConstruct April 25, 2021
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Customer service means always cumming in the food of people you serve at ur occupation. Customer service means cumming on the people you are serving. Customer service means cumming in that dude’s cola because you indeed have good customer service.
I cum everywhere, because I have good customer service
by Racketmaster238 September 8, 2020
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A person who uses their last name and is a boy within their business name.
have you tried "White Boy Customs" motorcycle shop. In Foreston MN.
by A hard worker July 14, 2023
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