A. Adjective. Slang term for a friend. Derived from the word Nigga, Ninja is a more politically correct term to use but imply's the same thing. A T-Shirt highlighted in the movie Bench warmers stated "Strictly For My Ninjas" Playing on the words of the hit rap song "strictly 4 my niggaz" performed by 2 Pac. See also Nin.

B. Noun. Slang term for an American Muslim woman in full garb.
A. What up Ninja?

B. Oh look our hostess at Applebees tonight is a Ninja.
by Brian Patterson May 3, 2007
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A term commonly used by asians to address another asian. The word has roots in the afro-american term "nigga".
Damn ninja!

Whats up my ninja?

That ninja is fresh off the boat.
by G Unit1287 January 20, 2010
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The act of barfing and having intense diarrhea simultaneously; given this name because it is similar to being shredded at both ends, as a ninja would do.
John: That mexican food last night was rotten
Ryan: I know, I ninja'd all over the bathroom floor when i got home.
by TheShredder March 20, 2011
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n. {nin-jah} A slang word used among Asians meaning: boy, homie, mate, bro, dawg, dude, etc. Functionally, it is the Asian equivalent of the word "nigger" or "nigga." Non-Asians risk getting ostracized or beat down if they try to call an Asian by this word.
Ninja, PLEASE.

JUMP, ninja!

Yo, wassup ninja! You lookin' good!

I ain't sayin' she's a gold-digger... but she ain't messin' wit no broke ninja!

Yo, what a ninja gotta do to get some ORANGE CHICKEN around here?!!
by (@O_0)=@)x_X) July 8, 2010
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An urban term for "Asian"
Such as "Nigga" for blacks.
Ryan: sup my ninja!
Chris: I'm good ma ninja!
Ryan: you know Sean?
Chris: ya! He's my ninja!
by Racio September 20, 2014
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A concoction of one part vodka, one part orange juice, and one part Moxie, often done in a triple shot glass. Called such for its ability to stealthily overcome you before you even know it.
You ever heard of the Ninja?

I only had a couple at the party last night but I STILL got crazy drunk...
by RuPaul October 27, 2008
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