N. The meeting of several (3 or more) Kings Kick it Kinky members to make wild love.
Dude, you goin to the KKK sexfuck tonight?
by King of Kinky November 8, 2009
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When at any given point in a game requiring cards, that you hold 3 kings at once.
I had two 10s and a KKK (Cards) in my hand
by Yub Yub Shoog Doog December 12, 2021
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Some black dude hanging from a tree.
"Look Tom, there's a KKK piñata hanging from that tree, did you bring the baseball bat?"
by Fartboiii865 May 5, 2016
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What Tay K haters call him, this is meant to relate Tay K to the KKK which is obviously a hated party.
by Evilmario22404 April 20, 2018
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People who are supremacists and hate on other races (mostly African american). they often anonymously go by the name George to avoid detection. These people are generally republicans and have large concentrations in the south.
KKK activist: death to all African Americans!!

African American: noooooooooooo
by onlytruthfuldefinitions October 17, 2013
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its not like them ass-holes who hate black people its The Kool Kidz Klub™! i am the founding member. you have to be one bad ass mother fucker to get in!
omg! im so happy to be a member of the KKK™!
by gretchen hardcock September 6, 2008
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