The origin of the term is that thing a girl does when she's plucking her eyebrows where she switches back and forth trying to get things even, but accidentally takes too much off EVERY time until there is no eyebrow left.

Despite the origin, this term applies to haircuts, makeup, and even external things the girl does.
Jer: Your hair looks fine woman, stop eyebrowing!
Rosey: No wait, I'm almost done, my hair is uneven!
Jer: You are such an eyebrower!
by Polymathous January 10, 2012
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When you shave off your eyebrows during a 2007 britney breakdown and now you're desperately drawing them on with sharpie.
Person one: did you hear about rachel she's gonna shave off her eyebrows
Person 2: bet she'll be eyebrowing after doing it
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basically just eyebrows that camouflage w/ the skin tone.
Omg chief keef has big bleach eyebrows
by realedp September 15, 2018
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Expressive eyebrows typically found on a mom
Dude you have mom eyebrows”
by Fatgirl_623 December 28, 2022
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Have anal
"I went and did his eyebrows" - Girl

"So you had anal?!?!" - Friend

"Yeah and it was great!" - Girl
by Thotdestroyer000 October 5, 2018
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The vertical line stinking up the surface between your eyebrows
Time to get some botox in my eyebrow butt
by sexy Jessi December 21, 2011
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