A sight almost as rare as bigfoot or the fountain of youth, if you do see one and tell other people they will not believe you.

Many believe it to be an urban legend or a made-up and baseless hoax made by BMW to make drivers feel safer whenever they're behind a BMW car.
Jim: "Bro, did you see that BMW car using it's turn signal?"
John: "You must be on something or lying, everyone knows that's an urban legend."
by Lolbito69 May 12, 2021
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When your in a left lane at an intersection and right as the light turns red you slam the gas pedal and honk your horn so traffic knows your coming.
Damn it Dave that guy did a Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Signal and nearly cut me off.
by Overlord of Ducks April 1, 2021
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When you go from vaginal sex to anal sex without warning the girl. Must be done in a quick fashion.
Jake : Hey did you end up changing lanes without using your signal on that chick last nite?

Steve : yes sir. she said she didnt like anal but she got it anyways.
by switchbladejake August 18, 2008
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when youre in class and you cant get signal on your cell phone, so you put your phone in your hand and raise your hands in the air pretending your stretching in an attempt to get better signal.
Yo i saw stew doing the signal stretch, i wonder if hes texting zowe!

Young man i saw you do the signal stretch, turn in your phone to student affairs!
by DANNYBOY691337 May 13, 2010
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Personnel status check on a Fire ground or other emergency scene.
Command: " Unit 700 Signal 20". Unit 700: "Check".
by Dave720 October 18, 2021
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🤙🏾🤙🏾 When you’re chill no matter what the outcome is you do the Flip hand signal. Derives from cowanbunga surfer attitude. Use both hands only one if it’s not that chill.
Did you see that guy do the flip hand signal? He’s so chill.
by Flip finds October 15, 2019
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When you take a drag of a cigarette and blow the smoke into his/her butthole. He/She then bends over, putting both hands and both feet flat on the floor, with butt straight up in the air, the smoke is tooted out, creating a beautiful North Dakota Smoke Signal.
Zach was being annoying so I bent him over and forced him to do a North Dakota smoke signal yesterday.
by jandro22 February 12, 2017
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