the norm: when u sit down push a few times, get up.

the oh my god hurry up poop: whenu sit down for a few years and its only have way done;

corn poop: the ones where ther is corn?

lifeguard poop:the poop that floats on the surface and insists on having a party by maiking the other poops float

best friend poop: the poop that never leaves u.
by shmanderzlii December 9, 2008
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Ejected from the anus this is a thick substance that is usually a brownish color ( can be other color ) made up from food products. Also know as shit or poo poo.
Dude I just took a huge poop! It smells like your mom...
by El Shitette May 4, 2009
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sumptin NASTY...that comes out tha anus hole!!! hahahaha!!!
Steve Stoczco is a poop!!!!
by megzzz April 26, 2003
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Shit that comes out of the ass.
hey dont poop on me!
Ok ill stop pooping on you.
by kevin February 7, 2005
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A word commonly used for describing the taste and/or look of shitty ass commercial weed that has more stems and seeds than bud.
"It isn't poop, is it? If it is, put that shit way."
by Skizzle January 4, 2005
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the stuff that comes out of your ass, with the exception of when you are constipated, varies in color from time to time, is sometimes runny and sometimes thick
by barack obama :) December 7, 2010
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the brown(also sometimes the green)stuff that comes out of a living organism's asshole
Little kid:"Mom,what just came out of my booty?"

Mom:"Thats what scientists call feces or poop?"
by Stewhip January 3, 2011
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