When your little brother pisses his pants and doesn't tell anyone and tries to dry the over a fire.
Zack how did you get those burnt up pissy pants they smell like shit.
by RodgerDangus February 28, 2017
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1. a deluge of complicated things, coming from the above. Unlike the bland term pissing down which is free of "y", the presence of "y" increases the nonlinearity by an order of magnitude higher in nonlinearity therefore, pissying down can express complicated and subtle feelings.
Example 1
Andy: is it raining in Altona?
Serena: yes it's been pissying down!

Example 2
Emma: I only see you as a friend.
Maggie: *a pissying down of sorrow*
by Maggie!!! May 7, 2018
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When your head is greasy as fuck and your called christo
Why does your hair stink of piss,: pissy head ,because I haven't washed it in 3 days I have a pissy head
by Pissy head defined February 26, 2016
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Used to describe someone (usually from Ohio) when they are throwing a fit about I’ll defined graphs.
by Drpoprockus June 9, 2022
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When you get pissed at someone and you stare them straight in the eye as you stick your middle and ring fingers in the back of your throat. This will make you through up uncontrollably.
My boy got mad at me and pulled a pissy regurgitation. I was terrified......
by Brenda bail of hay July 18, 2017
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A dog that will urinate at any given sign of hightened emotion
Her pissy pooch peed on himself as soon as I walked through the door!
by MzEarthBizkit July 14, 2022
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