A statement you make when you're mad and GOT PUNCHED IN THE GODDAMN FACE, TOM.
"Fuck you bitch, why would you do that?"
by I'll fuck your mom August 16, 2022
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When you mess up so bad you say the the first words that come to your head. You may say this when:
1. You spill water on something important.
2. You say ´hi´ to someone you thought was someone else.
3. Your computer dies when you are working on something and it doesn´t save
4. You reread the first sentence and realize there was two thes.
A: *Hits their knee a chair.
A: fuck shit bitch motherfucker.
by WOWIE SANS!!!!! January 6, 2023
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Someone who is an absolute dumbass.
Regina: Omg, she is such a dumb fucking bitch for sleeping with Adam.
Emma: I know right?!
by coolmfker October 29, 2022
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A "fucking bitch" is someone, not just a girl in particular, that is extremely annoying. They cause problems, get in the way, act rude, do bratty things, and most of all are fucking bitches.
That lady is such a fucking bitch!
by weed_deew August 24, 2022
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An expression used to depict or describe someone who is as mean as a horrible witch.
This fucking witch ass bitch got me fucked up!

Fucking witch ass bitch, fuck off!

Fucking witch ass bitch!
by LingDanc803 February 9, 2023
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