A musty ass nigga - he's is the musty -est nigga on earth. I'd 100% recommend don't go near that musty nigga.
He began jerking off in public - damn that's Damian, I remember that musty nigga from school.
by leacturn December 18, 2021
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Often known as the dooshbag, dickhead, and dimwit of the school. he is a strategical fighter and picks fights with everyone and kicks the shit out of people for no reason. Once lost his knife and later found it in the sleeve of his uniform. He is also anerexic as fuck. he eats shit tons but still manages to lose it faster than he gains it. Tends to be a retarded person.
Damian I fucking hate him
by billy66613420*67 March 18, 2019
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Jewish fat head hacker and the FBI says hi
How did Damians survived the gas chambers
Your suck a Damian.
by Doxfur February 20, 2019
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A Faggot who likes penis and is Enrique’s bitch cuz he’s a fag and he’s short and has no hands
Is that Damian he’s such a fag
by ElZorro June 9, 2022
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Has the combined intelligence of about 2 and a half down syndrome-ridden children so he's not completely retarded (but very close). Despite his near mental retardation, he is known for being one of the gayest people around, out-gaying James Charles, a very gay YouTuber. Somehow, as racist as a KKK Klan member.
Damian? The gay retard?
by BruhUrMom November 22, 2021
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A smart kid who really likes to have fun most time people think he is dumb but its just his personality he likes to make you laugh and doesn’t care what people say about him. He also might take things to far but in his mind he is playing around he likes to smoke and is not athletic at all
Wow look at Damian playing again what a fun guy
by NateTheGreatestFriend November 21, 2021
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