Meaning of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in English:

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance


fuller form of Comecon

Translating Russian Sovet ékonomicheskoĭ vzaimopomoshchi.
How to use Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns) in a sentence is still unknown.

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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A person employed by a shopping complex who (according to management) only walk around the centre doing nothing else but talking to retailers, walking around in pairs and moaning about the higher management because they want their staff to become uniform and robotic. They are often unkempt with manly beards and/or eccentric hair styles.
There goes that duty assistant talking to the ice cream stand staff again, he/she has been for 20 seconds and that's far too long. Why are we employing these people?
by Subarashí March 1, 2015
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A sex act in which one masturbates a man, while pressing against their cheek with their tongue. The resulting action resembles a penis being fellated at the same time.
by Gluestickglobal January 13, 2010
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An observer and/or participant in an intercourse session --- often the "second" guy/girl in a threesome --- who is tasked with promptly tucking the dude's randomly-swaying woodie back into the chick's love-tunnel whenever it accidentally pops out from his having unintentionally withdrawn it a bit too far prior to his next thrust; this relieves the lovers from irritating pauses in their steamy copulating to semi-blindly fumble back there themselves and re-insert the errant schlong each time.
Finding a willing re-insertion assistant is usually quite easy --- often, you simply need to approach a random passerby and offer him/her a "standard" reward for his/her help: agree to allow the person "a turn of his/her own" with the opposite-gender intercourse-partner afterwards (or at least a post-session hand-job/blowjob from the gal if it's a male assistant), let the person play with the balls and butt-cheeks of the copulating duo for a few moments after each occasion during the "hot 'n' heavy" when his services are required, and/or maybe allow him to give one or both partners a full-body massage --- extra points if you both also give him a nice soothing rub-down in return, of course --- after the session is over.
by QuacksO June 17, 2018
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An embrace dat ya get from someone who is too sleepy or exhausted to reasonably be expected to lift his arms on his own, and so ya amiably help him to perform said cuddly action --- what ya do is to gently lift da person's limp arms and drape them over yer shoulders, then slip yer own arms underneath his armpits and affectionately draw da person up against ya; all he has to do then is to simply wrap his arms da rest of da way around yer neck.
Creating a power-assisted hug from a weary chick is similar to when ya softly clasp and lift her suntan-lotion-oiled hand at da beach to give her a hello/goodbye handshake when she is half-asleep while soaking up da sun... in both cases, ya receive a little pleasant physical contact wif her, but at da same time ya considerately eliminate da need for her drowsy/achy muscles to expend much effort at all.
by QuacksO October 26, 2019
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A little bitch that doesn't have any skills so they whine on the internet about how eating meat is animal cruelty
PETA went all assistant manager at being vegan when they couldn't get people to stop hunting.
by Alaric I August 18, 2014
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Help provided against the will of the provider and/or recipient
The grocery store bagger, in a fine display of pernicious assistance, quickly jammed my groceries into the paper bag, despite my saying "no thanks," as I finished paying the cashier. "It's my job, ma'am," his mouth said, as his eyes told me to get out of the way of the rest of the line.
by Pernicious Assistant November 10, 2021
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