Past tense of torch. To severely roast someone.
Person 1: Did you hear what happened to Gregory for getting caught with his girlfriend?
Person 2: Yeah dude, mf got torched by his Catholic parents LOL.
by thelegend3x3x3 October 3, 2019
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somebody that just git they a$$ beat!!
“u seen wassaname fight?”
“yea danae torched that girl”
by alayna brianna March 3, 2023
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Having something be crazy or great to the next level.
Gary: Man that rap battle was fire!
Steve: I know right, that was so lit
Bob: It was even better than that, it was torched
by Yoyoyogreensaliva November 5, 2017
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When a male/female places a lit match in their partners prolapsed anus.
After our aggressive butt sex session I gave her a rosebud torch.
by Lovemyer July 12, 2018
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1. Drink a bunch of moonshine
2. Find a lady from Kentucky who doesn't have any teeth.
3. Convince her to give you a blow job.
4. When ejaculating in her mouth, smack her in the back of the head.
5. When she chokes and snorts out your moonshine-riden cum through her nose, light it on fire.
Dude, Tammy Rae gave me the best Kentucky Blow Torch last night!
by natronbomb December 22, 2014
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Means to go for the ogre hunt.
Sometimes misinterpreted as courage, "to take the torches and the pitchforks" is not an act of heroism, nor bravery.
It's rather an act of desperation with the only motivation being to engage sexual activity with a very ugly individual, that would often be confused with an ogre.
Kevin: What happened to Brad at the party last night?
Martin: After 2 am he lost his standards and took the torches and the pitchforks
Kevin: damn man I would never do that (crosses his index and middle-finger behind the back)
Martin: I know! That Katia was a real Ogre!

/to take the torches and the pitchforks
by Just1nSw7 August 13, 2018
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A game played among friends when the heights of joblessness is reached. The opponent points out a target. The player then positions the torch on his shoulder (like a bazooka) in the switched off mode, and switches on the torch. If the beam of light, hits the target, 1 point to the player. Then the opponent has his go with the torch
Player 1: "C'mon man, let's play torch bazooka"

Player 2: "K, give me a target"

Player 1: "That tree behind the gate"

Player 2: Positions the torch on the shoulder and switches on the torch. The beam hits the tree. "Woo hoo, got it"

Player 1: My turn

Player 2: The water tank
by santaklawze August 2, 2012
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