a very very large human being that plays ps4 all day and is brain washed
hey fates wanna eat some food
by not_fares September 28, 2020
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Guy.1” hey do you know the proper way to watch the fate timeline?”
Guy.2 “ No one does”
by Th3An1meman August 13, 2021
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Will you take the red pill and instantly obtain $100,000,000 or the blue pill that’s yummy and tastes like blueberry. One will give you comfort, and the other will give you adventure and new opportunities. This choice will decide your fate as a human being.
Oh I see you’re awake. I will ask you now to take the decision of fates. Choose wisely.
by Hensolo1125 September 28, 2020
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Three people who make your life good or crap. One of them can even kill you.
by DictionaryGuy5000 September 15, 2020
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When two people have cats of such similar quality that it's obvious that they are destined to be together forever.
"I kind of thought she was ratchet at first, but when we realized we had the same fluffy orange cats, I knew it was cat fate. I had to ask her out."
by Sunderwound April 18, 2015
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When u say Fate Singh, the word "singh" means something incredible, something brave, like an Lion.

Also it used to mean good/ best/ legend/ pro player in games.
- Are u a Fate Singh at FreeFire?
- Yes I am
by HeyImSlay February 7, 2023
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a brown tiny pakistani with bumfluff on his upper lip.

planks to everybody on the MMORPG game called "RuneScape"
also isn't able to pull off a 3-way in 2 ticks 2k17
"That guy is such a fate xd, i see him dead on the floor more often than alive"
by wiseoldboi October 6, 2017
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