When you're eating a woman out, and she unexpectedly squirts all over your face when she cums.
"Dude, I was going down on this chick the other night, and I totally got Dick Cheneyed!"
by Mr. Pussy March 5, 2009
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Noun- A cat that doesn't really meow or purr, just makes a sort of squawking sound.
I got a Cheney Cat. She's a bitch.
by Doomlad April 2, 2007
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When you pull out and bust a fat nut in a chick's face and then force her to apologize for getting in your way.
The Dick Cheney:

Girl: "Oh my God, you shot a hot load all over my face. Jesus..."
Guy: "Hey bitch, fuck you. Apologize for getting in the way of that badass statue on my table."
by TerrySchiavo August 26, 2009
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the act of a person appearing out of nowhere at any given moment, precisely to scare Dan Farnand.
Last week a guy popped out of nowhere and Dan screamed, "ahh it's Dick Cheney."
by Kate is bait November 21, 2004
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When your buddy is doing a girl doggy style and you hide just outside the door and rub one out until your just about to blow then bust the door open run in and blow it on her face.
Jordan was doing Britney and i ran in and gave her the Dick Cheney!
by Jerry Lee Poois September 6, 2007
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(1) Republican. Vice President of The United States under George W. Bush. 2001-2009

(2) Scared the life out of pony-tailed, old Hippies, who, after having lived in the U.S. all their lives, have never actually read the Constitution, yet claim to understand it.

(3)Source of irrational anger for petulant, over-privileged children posing as adults who are pissed off that they missed the 60's, or having experienced the 60's, rail at growing old and irrelevent. Note: It is thought that he looks like their fathers who never showed them any affection, hence their rage.
Rainbow: "Dick Cheney is a murderer!"

Rainbow's Father: "You know, the Vice President has no actual authority"

Rainbow: "I HATE YOU DADDY! Can I borrow the car?"
by Torpedo Gunner May 16, 2009
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The man who Dick Cheney shot apologized to the so-called vice president on live television.

(I dare you to look it up, it happened)
by lastoftheidiots April 24, 2006
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