when a guy/ girl is never satisfied with the relationship they have and as always looking for the better guy/girl.
I feel bad for Dan. Naomi has a bad case of grocery store Syndrome.
by E_Z_KOOL September 1, 2014
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Fuel bought at a place outside of a major gas company.
Friend A: Man, gas prices are getting crazy-high lately. It's up to 2.48 a gallon.
Friend B: I told you about that. Better off going to Ingles or Kroger and pump that 1.98 grocery gas and keep it moving.
by McWritah November 10, 2015
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Refers to the astonished stare that you assume when taste-testing two or more brands of a particular supermarket-offering and unexpectedly discover that you actually **prefer** the lower-priced store-brand (which traditionally would be expected to have a "weaker 'n' thinner" flavor/texture), rather than a costlier "big name" product.
Being on SSI and Food Stamps and thus having a very-limited budget, I am used to just buying the "el-cheapo" store-brand of groceries whenever I can stand their usually-milder-tasting flavors. Occasionally I do "splurge" and buy the pricier "fancy-pants" foods, though, when the taste is dramatically better, such as Nutella hazelnut spread or Armour Vienna sausage. One startling exception to this latter condition, though, was in the case of Dinty-Moore beef stew as opposed to just the Great Value brand... I bought a can of DM just to try it out in comparison to the WalMart brand, and I had a total case of generic-grocery gawk --- the Dinty-Moore brand was absolutely a-w-f-u-l, whereas the richly-tasty Great Value stew won hands-down! Boy, ya never know till ya try it, do ya???
by QuacksO February 26, 2019
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You got enough dick for breakfast, lunch and dinner... And maybe a snack.
He got a grocery dick.
by Hp February 20, 2016
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One who consumes massive amounts of groceries, mostly junk food.
You better lock your fridge and cupboards because the grocery monster is coming!
by Asshole862 November 15, 2011
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Street person device that is gives mobility to the lifestyle. A Swiss army knife for street survival.
He better watch out for that bitch, she have him in a grocery cart after 1 night.
by da bigger kahuna December 15, 2010
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A person who eats constantly and will by their own actions, or feelings of shame, consume copious amounts of groceries.
And then it happened again.., Larry a.k.a. big grocery, finished off the entire box of cereal in one sitting.

Listen up guys! When we get done eating dinner tonight that's it till morning! We're not going all big grocery this evening.
by ginsu_knife June 14, 2016
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