Its a picture of your balls hanging out of your zipper. Commonly sent amongst bro's because its gross and looks funny
John: "i was hooking up with Kylie when Zach sent me a zipper ball picture and i lost the mood. I must admit, it was pretty funny though"
by Barstoolbro August 31, 2015
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A polite(ish) way to call out somone who seeks extra-curricular activities outside their relationhip.
1. That cheating bastard has wandering zipper disease!

2. Mr. Smith and Mrs Jones have wandering zipper disease.
by GrannyGrunt March 3, 2021
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When your fucking a girl in their pussy hole and your going to pull out to cum in her as but you miss, jizzing between her as cheeks and freezing it below 0 degrees
Bro 1: It was getting all hot and heavy with my girl and I accidentally did the Alaskan zipper lock.

by THAT ONE CUM DUMPSTER October 2, 2016
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A swing dance style made popular in the big band era(1930s)
Did you see that cat, hitting the floor like a squirrel nut zipper. He's the coolest.
by Elvis the kid March 1, 2020
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Essentially the same as your mom's box (probably a little dirtier). A way to one-up or counter a "your mom's box" statement.
by Diz magic! September 26, 2006
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Female that tends to hangout around ponds or lakes where groups of males tend to gather drink and fish,these females tend to be cum dumpsters for these men and don't care if the are in a relationship!
That woman is a zipper lickin pond lizard.
by Ringer77 April 27, 2018
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A derogatory term for military pilots. Based on the fact that flight suits and G-suits are covered with lots of zippers and they fly above the clouds in the sun. Also has a double meaning in that they have highly inflated egos and think that they are above everyone else.
Here comes another Zipper-Suited Sun God to fly my airplane.
by Sublingual September 28, 2009
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