When you’re on the way from a one night stand … shagged and haggard
“ look at Jenny she looks shaggered
Look at Jenny she looks Shaggered from last night
by MelanieJade4 March 22, 2023
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To be absolutely exhausted/knackered from having sex last night!
Babe I’m so shaggered, last night was off the hook, ollie just gave me orgasm after orgasm, I can barely keep my eyes open!

Annie, order some breakfast stat! I’m absolutely shaggered from the sex- fest last night!
by HSGamGam December 12, 2021
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A Middle Eastener that has an affinity for goats. They usually herd them up in the mountains where they are isolated to the point they start looking good
I believe that guy with the Turbin on his head is a goat shagger
by babysaph August 19, 2021
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After participating in numerous penetrative sexual acts in a short space of time, a man can develop shaggers dick. This leaves him with a sensitive feeling around the bellend, as well as possibly some soreness and redness. It is easily cured by not shagging for a few days.
‘’Last weekend was great fun, however I ended up with some real shaggers dick after too many sessions.’’
by homerbellerin October 17, 2021
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When eilia goes quiet off the mic the cat shagger is at work
by Jammy lizard December 31, 2021
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A person, usually a man who doesn't care in who he puts his dick in. He will have sex with anyone: the fat, the jews and even other men.
Person1: dude, did you know Morty had sex with that Jewish, acne ridden cow?

Person2: wow, what a shibby shagger, I heard he even had sex with Shane!
by Binweevils lover69 May 13, 2018
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