The colours people see when playing instruments such as trumpets.
"I see red lines and blue dots when playing my sympathy trumpet"
by Not Timothy May 7, 2013
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A guy or girl used by a love interest for the sole purpose of listening to problems and offer sympathy. Often manipulated, a sympathy blanket gets little reciprocation from the relationship.
James you need to leave her, you’re turning into a sympathy blanket.”
by Decoy Kamikaze April 24, 2022
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A nice 15 year old rapper from the DMV. He spits heat when he steps in the both and leaves no sympathy
Man 1 -Yo whos that fire song by?
Man 2 - Cmon bro you already know its No Sympathy
by TheSlimJesus February 22, 2021
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When one is going through a life struggle and is thirsty for sympathy. Like how a calf has an extreme thirst for it's mother's udder milk.

In most common cases this is illustrated through the likes of social media.
"Sophie broke up with her boyfriend and posted a status about it on facebook. With the help of her friend's supportive comments and 1026 likes, Sophie felt replenished from the udder of sympathy can now continue on with her fucking life"
by mupsaucer May 26, 2017
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when you relay to your homie some bad news, and they pucker they ass sympathetically in shock.

can be a way of expressing empathy.
"Yo mang, my boy told me he had a run-in with a bear while camping. Gave the homie a sympathy pucker, but he still alive."
by November 3, 2021
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News stories that get more and more desperate until people submit into doing anything the media/government/healthcare industry/scientists want them to do.
Last week's grief/tragedy/sympathy guilt trip was a recycled story from the Trump era about a young guy that still thought the coronavirus was a hoax until he ended up in ICU. When that didn't increase vaccination rates, the grief/tragedy/sympathy industry got more desperate and had a guy talking emotionally about how you can save his one year old in Arkansas even if you live halfway across the country by getting in line for a vaccine. Just do what these people say and everyone will be okay, just meet their demands is what the grief/tragedy/sympathy industry is trying to prime people's subconcious with.
by The Original Agahnim August 11, 2021
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It's funny that you keep saying that because that's one of the last things I said to my mother in her fit of drunken denial. She's a bitch and a narcissist.
Hym " 'You have no sympathy' I said to my narcissistic mother. And she said nothing because she knew I was right and my stepfather cried because HE ALSO KNEW I WAS RIGHT. Regardless of what happens with this I'm going to make sure I'm not around. Functionally an orphan. Like, the video game. Orphan: Scion of Sorcerery. Hi Melissa! Hi Mark! Go fuck yourselves!"
by Hym Iam August 17, 2023
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