John Forrest secondary college, also know as jfsc, johno, a high school located in morley Western Australia, Perth. Not one of the brightest schools out there and where the school claims to be well educated . A lot of druggies and bogans that think they can fight go there. Most of the teachers suck and don’t care about their students but again who would care about these creatures. A lot of crackheads and eshays are born at this poorly educated high school. Some of the students will mob , roll you for your tns, 97’s, ect...

Everyday after school the student attending John Forrest will go to galleria a quick 5 min walk from John Forrest, Johno students will probably be in coles or woolworths stealing some gum or some lollies for their mates. Students will always be upstairs tryna find that $1 “for the bus” but really use it for a frozen coke at maccas .

You can also catch these morley rats from johno at morley bus station just tryna actually find a $1 for the bus back home to probably end up smoking some cones with the boys. But after unsuccessfully not finding the dollar, you go on the bus and say the the bus driver “oi I forgot my smart rider at home, surley let me hop on this one time” the bus driver will let them on so they don’t cause a ruckus but the transperth police will catch them and threaten them with a $100 fine.

Even though there are a lot of eshays and so on. Majority of the school has normal students.
Boy from ccc : “there is too many John Forrest secondary college kids in the maccas line, let’s go to red rooster Instead.

Student from other school: let’s not go there, their too many johno kids, I don’t want them to fax my new iPhone 13
by JFSCHG April 14, 2022
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60th Hunger Games Movie
Victor: Saffron Forrest
Home: District 2
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Arena: Sandy Canyons
Saffron Forrest is brave and strong because he won the 60th Hunger Games
by OwOT-T September 19, 2022
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a dick that thinks he knows evrething and is the annoying type of nerd and a filthy democrate
have you met forrest ya hes a dick
by kingmasonk April 30, 2019
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The kind of man that isn't your typical douchebag. He actually cares about you and treats you with respect. A lot of the time you're not sure what the hell he's talking about but you know he means well, always. He explains things to you without patronizing you and he is incredibly intelligent but doesn't know it.
"Forrest? Oh yeah, he's a cool dude"
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The kind of guy that isn't like others. He's different, in a special way. He's mysterious, strange, eccentric and intelligent. He explains things to you without patronizing you and he tries to see your side of things even though he can be a little stubborn. But mostly he's actually sweet and cares about you.
"Forrest? Yeah he's a super cool dude"
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Forrest is a girl who has high morals and is very kind hearted and mature but has a silly,goofy playfull side,shes an amazing friend to have with her loyalties,respectfulness,her sense to put others first,her caring and compassion,her very high morals,etc if you have a forrest in your life hold onto them because yes she may have mental breakdowns but she will always be there for you right by your side.Forrest is a beautiful girl,with amazing qualities,and a goofy silly side to her.Right now forrest is shy and stows herself away from the world in fear of being judged she only shows you what she can in order to fit in,but on the inside shes full of life and so much love and personality,She deserves the world,shes a blessing in disguise,And she will always always choose you.
Forrest is amazing she is going to do big things in her life.
by Yaana October 17, 2021
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