CCC this is a group of devil worshipers where cillers is killers. They stalk the son of GOD everywhere. Online video games. Every social media. And every restaurant attacking him non stop and mocking him and harassing him with billions of people trying to make him mad so he threaten to kill them so they get him to lock up. They been doing this for twenty years and keep getting all his social media and video game accounts banned. And all he trying to do is find a good wife to marry forever and they mock him you going to be alone forever and attack him every time he tries to talk to a girl to get a girlfriend. And so much more.
CONspiracy Cult Cillers getting out of hand and too powerful and numberous. And have powerful people in it and backing them up because this one little kid is the only one who can stop all the evil he’s doing. Proof there is a GOD if he’s still Surviving this bloody storm. That lasted all his life.
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\kənˈspɪrəsi ɒv ˈɪdɪəts\ (noun) A group of idiots, loosely gathered, characterized by lack of self-awareness and an intellectual inability to empathize.
What we have here is a conspiracy of idiots.
by phurbutt January 8, 2022
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Every conspiracy theory can be presented as a conspiracy itself.
A: I'm telling you, there are aliens in Area 51, it's no conspiracy theory.
B: No, the conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory, it's what they want you to think.
A: You are just using the Conspiracy-Loop Argument.
by Azshara October 24, 2020
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Someone that likes to go to the complete opposite of the facts and is a spud
There is only 12 hours in a day!!!, tomatoes aren't fruits you put them in chicken and veggie soup.
Well that's just a Wilson Conspiracy
by Nugisathug May 11, 2018
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Used to describe a situation where you are force to play for another team because they don't have enough players and the person running the tournament is a piece of shit.
This price conspiracy cause the private schools to win the trophy.
by Greenepenguinmonk December 13, 2010
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Someone with a big nose, broad jawline, a big mouth, either freakishly large eyes or abnormally small eyes and a big tic tac looking head.
I just know someone is a conspiracy theorist as they exhibit the conspiracy theorist look. I don't think I know any sexy conspiracy theorists.
by Rotten Turkey May 27, 2022
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A conspiracy theory that makes your 40 year old Facebook mom believe they should get vaccinated or believe the earth is round.
Anti-conspiracy theory: “The earth is actually flat, however the government wants you to thinks its flat. When in reality it’s round”
by Startupedition May 10, 2023
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