Caleb is a fucking piece of shit Trump supporter who is guaranteed to ruin your day/year
Jared: oh no caleb is coming
Sasha: ugh not that jerk off.
by daytimesleeper April 28, 2018
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Ugly,bad and stupid all define Caleb
Look how ugly that Caleb is!
by Yo is cool November 29, 2016
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A very smart but lazy person who is poor as shit and does not know how to make money.
Caleb is the brokest in the friend group
by Txtally Mye October 19, 2020
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Some gay ass kid who walks around like he got the big peen but got a small cock. Very gay and eats ass all the time.
Dude wtf is up with that caleb, he's probably a gay
by 82738heckafrick May 30, 2019
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Caleb is one of the nicest people you will meet. Caleb's are usually soft-hearted and claim they have the biggest dicks of them all. They're good in track and have a LOT of ghetto friends. They're usually light-skinned niggas with hazel eyes who have no life and play a hell lot of video games. Get along well with nice people and are one of the sweetest people you will ever meet.
Nigga 1: Yo, you see Caleb over there?
Nigga 2: Yeah, my guy, I heard he got a big dick but his heart bigga.
by katie3049 June 4, 2019
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A Fat, but nice person who always plays on his phone during the end of the day.(Makes Corny Jokes)
Caleb is Chubby
by iiMarco November 30, 2018
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