Person 1: OMG is that Link
Person 2: No that's Zelda, you idiot
by Salamilord May 6, 2023
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Person 1: OMG is that Link
Person 2: No that's Zelda, you idiot
by Salamilord May 6, 2023
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Zelda is a pretty young lady even though she has a lot of flawsshe is a amazing girl shes vary good in bed also with her mouth most people think wrong of her as if she fucks with a lot of men NO that only appeals to people that she does many people see her as a HOE only because she has what they don't AKA booty and good looks.some times she can be too curious and fuck up what she has AKA a good relationship hoping on with a good guy but that is the only thing that is going to make ZELDA,ZELDA
by XZAN'$x4L March 31, 2018
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A controversial video game. Some people think it's good, some people think it's bad.
A: Have you ever played Zelda?
B: No. I prefer Pokemon more
by FCCRickRoll250 August 20, 2021
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A little arc en ciel from syria and gona explose two man from siberia so i need to raconte you une histoire , that storry is a storry abouteuh zeldo zeldo is a little pneus from michelin u know the big constructeur of pneus she have the particuliarité de drifté on the flooor assez fast , she got 98 on drift and 77 d'adherence u can reconnaitre un pneus zelda when u ear the RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIRIRIRIRIRIRII on the discord channel.
Fuck Zelda
by Unebombenonexplosifsigjuré March 21, 2019
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(Adj.) Used to describe two very closely connected things, things that can never be separated by distance, time, emotions, hurricanes, tornadoes, Darth Vader, or big farts. A zelda and link relationship is one that will hold strong and true forever.

"OMG look at this video that Petey made me!"
"Awwww that is SO zelda and link of him!"
"OMG look at this video that Petey made me!"
"Awwww that is SO zelda and link of him!"
by lionelmessi4lyfe September 22, 2014
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A top down 3D zelda game for the Nintendo DS with a dumb temple called Temple of the ocean king where after every other temple you clear you go back to the temple of the ocean king did i mention you use the DS touch screen to play so gay. its only saving grace is the fact that it is a direct sequel to the Wind Waker, and there a patch version to unlock the dpad.
man that ocean king from Zelda: Phantom Hourglass sure is gay
by Dangboi444 October 16, 2018
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