the day where creepy ass people leave minor girls alone
turkan leave me alone it’s national stop being a perv day!
by woopypiebruh March 9, 2021
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When somone tries to wave at you but pushes there hands back in a jellyfish like motion.. signaling that they are gay and also want you
Dude, that guy just did a Double-Hand Wave Perv-Curve
OMG, that gay guy totally wants you, hahaha
by LawfulTub November 3, 2011
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the Pervs with Eensy-weensy Dicks Organization (P.E.D.O). An adjective to describe a group of teenage boys who constantly ask girls for nudes and give off "Small Dick Energy". In other words, SnapChat Fuckboys.
Emma: "Damm this dude keeps asking me for nudess.....ugh!"
Jasmine: "Ew, Matt is such a P.E.D.O, you have got to block him."
Emma: "Damm this dude keeps asking me for nudess.....ugh!"
Jasmine: "Ew, Matt is so totally in the P.E.D.O (the Pervs with Eensy-weensy Dicks Organization ), you have got to block him."
by Gary the SNAIL is a SOB March 22, 2021
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Someone that is pervy but also a bit of a twat thus the wonderful name silly perv. Just used as a jokey name or insult for your friends
“Ah Will you are a silly perv!”
“Hey I’m not”
“That’s what a silly perv would say”
by Chlo0805 October 31, 2020
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Someone who likes to watch others taking ecstasy but not partaking them self.
Hey bob you want a round un? No I'm happy just watching you lot. You pill perv!
by Peter Piper Pepper December 15, 2016
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