A pillow normally used to sleep on that is used under ones behind to make sitting more comfortable.
Why is my pillow being used as an Ass Cushion?
by Ms. Wrong Generation August 3, 2010
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When a man scissors a woman and puts his asshole up to her vagina and farts, and then she queefs it out.
“Dude, last night I gave Madison the Whoopie Cushion
by TheLastVirginOnVenus October 26, 2017
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A male who receives sexually more than he gives, similar to a pillow princess.
Don't be a cushion king, Kyle! It's my turn!
by masayyyy September 9, 2022
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its literally just a chair did you have to look this up?
dave: hey can you pass me a butt-cushion?
chair flies across the room.
by a pimp named scooby dooby doo February 23, 2021
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"hey can yuou pass me a butt-cushion?"
chair flies across the room
by a pimp named scooby dooby doo February 23, 2021
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Giving a girl a ring to get in her pants but never having the intention to marry her.
Hey that chick I met last night would be a perfect candidate for a good old ring cushion.
by SunnySwizZz May 29, 2020
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The almost imperceptible tilting of the upper body caused by lifting a butt cheek off the cushioned seat of a restaurant booth in order to discreetly pass gas.
Todd: Eww, damn bro! Did you just fart?!
Ted: No, wasn’t me, man! It was the dude in the booth behind you. I saw him do a cushion lean right before the stink engulfed us.
by OneStarGator August 20, 2017
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