No such word combination exists.
Joe: Have you heard of Moderators of Urban Dictionary? Once, someone told me that long ago, when there were dinosaurs, there were some people moderating Urban dictionary. That may be just rumors though.

Alex: Huh? What moderators? I guess that it is a rumor.
by a humanoid creature,written on December 23, 2020
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Forum Moderator Syndrome refers to the act in which a person (Most of the time a person without any social life, e.g. a loser) gets a tiny amount of power via online forums or other online spaces. Once they have been given this tiny amount of power they go crazy with it.
Remy suffers from Forum Moderator Syndrome, he was given Moderator role on a Discord server, and now he's gone mad with power.
by TKOA July 12, 2020
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A moderation system in which it is effectively a glass cannon, usually consisting of slight discrepancies or bias to result in a mishap in servers.

This is most common in communities with corrupt moderation teams or outright bad ones.
Otis: "bro did you get banned from the forum"
Paul: "yeah, their Glass Cannon Moderation banned me for something slightly inappropriate when he wrote 3 troll posts"
by Not AstroSoup_ May 6, 2022
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They receive feedback along the lines of "I just see the Wikipedia NAZI moderator cunt-fest in operation on this page and think "Fuck Wikipedia".
by Jesus is Fraud May 25, 2011
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A politician, usually an ultraconservative, fascist Republican, but occasionally an ultraliberal, who pretends to take moderate positions on important political issues during an election year. Once elected, this politician will suddenly forget his or her campaign promises and govern from the fringes.
Election year moderates from the far right: Rick Santorum (latin for Asshole); George W. Bush; from the far left: George McGovern (1972)
by Stop the Pendulum August 10, 2006
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Quite literally the definition of god, actually gives constructive criticism and does not give a shit about offensive memes made about him. And one of the few discord moderators that is not a Linux shill....
gayboysami: yo, did you hear about cyber (discord moderator)???
everyone: yeah hes great
Yin: Come and be gay like the rest of us, come on, become a linux shill... I know you want to....
Cyber: Hell nah
gayboysami: can I have a tech channel cyber
Cyber: Sure
Yin: dlskfjdsalkfjdsalkfsajdkflsajdflkasf no no no come on be an annoying idiot like me
by als-thicboi69 July 13, 2020
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