Pronounced "puh-REH-toh". Not to be confused with the less uncommonly-known "Pareto Principle".

The Partho Principle is the assertion that probability P is equal to one-half (1/2).

It is derived (P = 1/2) from the equation PP are one (PP = 1).
Go ahead, Google it: "Partho Principle"

...a few moments later...

Ohhh, you looked up "Pareto Principle", I was talkin about "Partho Principle".
by HyptonicChronic77 April 12, 2023
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Similar to Poe's law and a weak man argument, it's when satire and genuine belief exist simultaneously .
Person one: Holy shit feminists want to #endfathersday

Person two: Nah that's a troll.

Person three: No It's real, here is a feminist writing for Huff Po saying it.

Person four: Guys its the Hiesen Poe uncertainty principle at play, It started on 4 chan but real feminist bought in just like with #freebleeding and #pissforequality. The Heisen Poe Uncertainty principle Similar to Poe's law and a weak man argument, it's when satire and genuine belief exist simultaneously .
by wazzup98765 June 6, 2018
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The Caruana Principle states that as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a discussion with faeces being the main topic approaches 1.
Mark: "Hey how comes we always end up talking about shit?"
Jane: "Thats The Caruana Principle man"
by turkeyturkey2020 February 19, 2021
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An over exaggeration of numbers/amounts
There's a million enemies there
There's 4, stop using the Powell Principle
by On't Bonce November 2, 2023
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Pryde Principle: It will get dumber in precisely the way you thought it couldn't
Can you believe Liz Truss was chosen to select Boris Johnson?
Yup. Pryde Principle in full effect.
by October 29, 2022
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When a song sucks the first time you listen to it but after listening to it more often it turns out to be actually fire.
Like the song Franchise by Travis Scott.
This song „...“ is a perfect example for The Franchise-Principle
by WhoWasInParis? January 4, 2021
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When a song sucks the first time you listen to it but after listening more often it turns out to be actually fire.
Just like the Song FRANCHISE by Travis Scott.
The song „...“ is a perfect example for The Franchise-Principle.
by WhoWasInParis? January 4, 2021
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