n. - The act of placing a candle next to your partner's ass, then blowing crack into the candle, creating a large fireball that torches the ass.
Boy: Hey Suzie, wanna try the colombian powderkeg?
Suzie: What's that?
Boy: You'll have a hot ass after I'm done 😏
by The Vladiator April 28, 2017
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The worst internet you'll ever have. Colombia has the worst internet of all.
God Damn Jose, your Colombian Internet makes it so hard to have a proper Zoom call.
by Luisfersg September 7, 2020
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When the tip of the penis is inserted in to the nostril of your significant other right before ejaculation, causing them to “snort” it.
Hey girl he was doing me last night, and he pulled a Colombian Tip Snorter”.
by Hairycuck69 February 23, 2023
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Right before you are about to ejaculate, you pull out, put some empanadas covered in Hot sauce in there... Then unleash you pet jaguar on her.
1. My girl was getting mad annoying so I have her the Colombian jaguar attack

2. My grandma is no more, I finally got rid of her with the Colombian jaguar attack.
by Ballingtrapking January 28, 2016
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When you make an incredible pass to your boy unintentionally, and it turns out great for everyone.
I went to Medellín with my boy Aaron and he threw me an amazing Colombian assist. We went back to our Airbnb with these girls and I ended up with the girl he wanted to get with, but it all turned out great, because he found himself with a girl he liked even more. Good times.
by 2Legit2Hit September 16, 2023
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When an individual takes a coffee-induced bowel movement in another individual's mouth. The feces itself is the Colombian hot chocolate.
Everyone made fun of Ed for his taboo love of Colombian hot chocolate.
by NotJeremyCamp December 9, 2016
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