Raisin Bran? No. Raisins Brah.
Did u hear Jacob yesterday? He was high and screaming at Gina, "RAISINS BRAH"
by Javocaflea42 May 4, 2021
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When someone does something stupid or makes a fool of him/her self.
My friend tripped and fell flat on his face. We all went up to him and yelled meat brah!
by Soultrain Johnson November 12, 2008
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Something you say when you dont actually understand what someones saying, and you need a good excuse
by bill nye ur moms a guy May 3, 2022
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It means "Give me that"

"Hand me that"
"Pass that shit over here broseph"
"Brah me that hundy broseph"
"Thanks for brah-ing me that satchel"
"You brah-ed me that hundy real nice"
by Frumundah January 7, 2010
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An adolescent young male who discovers breasts, and he unwittingly becomes trained by every female he meets to do whatever she says in hopes of gaining potential visual and physical contact with them.
My buddy never grew out of his training brah years, so I never tell him when I'm going to the strip club.
by Arnie Grape May 30, 2021
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The absolute last friend that a guy contacts in order to entertain the friends of a girl who he is trying to bang.
None of my reliable wing men were available for the weekend, so I had to settle for my Z-Brah to help me seal the deal.
by Arnie Grape September 10, 2022
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An awfully cringe term that makes anyone hate you.
WHOA DUDE THATS totally rad brah!”
by Dsdavfrbgtnnfgh5(6((: June 3, 2022
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