The most amazing fucktastic chickenwaaang you will ever meet. She is the best person I know & she loves her best friend rachael but hates oscar's
Shelby: im the gayest gay person that ever lived on gayworld ;3
by thereisawhaleinmyroom October 18, 2011
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The most amazing girl you will ever meet in your life. She is extremely beautiful and has the perfect ass.
Dude that girl was a total Shelbie!
by superawesomedudesicle January 30, 2010
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An absolutely flawless babe. She's got the power to prossess her ridiculously good looks into your heart and make you fall in love instantly. Has a unbelivable athletic ability, that no one can over do, and has the mind of a tiger! Be sure to watch out, she uses her talents in unpredictable ways, and can bring any guy to his feet!!

Woah, it's Shelbie!! (Shel-be-hot)
Guy#1: "Ohh dude, look at that Shelbie chick, she's sexy!"
Guy#2: " I know, and she's about to be mine!"
by Shelbo12 March 17, 2014
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Shelby Is such a sweetheart on the inside, but acts cold. She truly has a huge heart and loved to help her friends and family rather than receiving help. She LOVES to rant and prove her point in almost any situation. She loves cuddling, but mostly stays away from relationships, as she always falls for the people who never notice her. She loves partying and going out with friends, but also loves staying inside and just watching a couple of movies. Almost everyone wants to be her friend, as she stays away from the drama yet it follows her anyways. Her friends mostly drag her into it as she is the best advice giver out there.
by ANDIOOP02 June 11, 2019
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the coolest, funniest, sexiest friend ever, with an awesome friend which is to cool to be revealed to the public. Needs to come back so i can go buy her some ice cream
at dairy queen.
hey u no shelbi
yea that really kool girl
yea thats her alrite.=
by D. Marsh March 8, 2009
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she is smart but sometimes forgetful and doesn't like to be called nicknames. is sometimes bisexual but likes to be in love. she is very active. she loves to sports and drama. she likes to sing and that's what i think of her
Guy One: damn Shelby is on fire
Girl One: I'm going to ask her out
by sparklequeen16 December 6, 2017
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a turtle who talks
look at shelby

shelby is good
by ket ket ket head February 24, 2018
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