A phrase used to convey extreme disgust at a proposition; often used in reference to a poor choice of eatery or film in the context of a gathering of friends, often on a regular basis.
Vincent would rather scrape his balls with a cheese grater than dine at KFC tonight.

I'd rather scrape my balls with a cheese grater than watch 'Meet the Spartans', Joseph.
by 7humbs November 25, 2008
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n. bog roll, shit tickets, bumf, arse wipe; i.e. lavatory paper, if you will.
Hoy, Jean - my squitters are givin' me gyp. Throw in another parcel of shit scrape - I've fuckin' run out.
by nuttershamrockshinboner July 11, 2023
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The act of taking something like a knife, a razor, or a credit card to the inside of a bowl and scraping around for crushed remnants of pills to snort. Typically done with morphine or oxycodone.
His stash was confiscated so he's had to scrape for powder for the past week.
by scrumpusbaggy November 19, 2017
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Sauce usually served up when you get scraped. This sauce tastes like penis, as it is most likely what you were eating when the "scraping" occurred.
OMFG D00D i just C 0 /\/\ /* |_ 3 + 3 |_ */ (completely) SCRAPED THIS KID SO HARD!!

oh really? I bet his scrape sauce tasted like dick.
by Mike Cant Read December 10, 2008
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A halo scrape is when a guy has sex with a woman and then uses his penis like a paintbrush and the cum like paint and paints around the woman's anus. The guy then has anal sex with the woman and uses the cum like paint and paints around the woman's vagina. He then licks the cum off of both the anus and the vagina.
Have you every done a halo scrape?
by NewmanLove August 19, 2015
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When a skier on a chair lift scrapes their skis as they are above you, so that the snow falls on you while you’re skiing
“I just got ski-scraped so hard. It was like a damn avalanche
by TheHaug May 2, 2021
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