to finish something.

bro any more weed..sassed it

also means weed seasion

(smoked) (finished) (blaze) (sassy) (weed)
herd the bro got a hiding last night.
yeah he got sassed for talking bref

got us a sass?
na bro smoked it
by strizz boogie November 30, 2015
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The act of entertaing people on a couch. Indefinate amounts of awessomness that occurs on the couch.
This couch has features of entertainment that involve;mouth fucking, chalking, powerfulbass drops, smoking smokes, beer drinking, waterpic (modified for vodka) squirting, breast exposures, entertaing the required minimum attire of undies only.
This couch has a job and its not just for supporting your sassy ass.
The primary basis is that this is a power knowledge center with rapid response.

You have a question.
Sass' professors have the prognosis, cure and honest answer.
Couch Sassing

This Friday we are sassi n'.
Oh you want something? Take ur tits out So we can ensue the sassin' off your chest in three step.
1. Consume.
2. Clean up lick

3. Kiss the plate. W/ tounge.

Sorry about your face.
also all out of towels. Not sorry for that.
AAAAAANd your cabs here!


Bing bang boom!!!!!!
Problem solved.
by V1K1NG June 14, 2013
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In sports with podiums, it's considered extreme sass pushing through a crowd to get to the podium. Traditionally, you stand behind your friends and push them out of they way when your name said. It's also common to apologise with "Oh sorry I have to go get my medal".
Spectator 1: Where's the winner?
Spectator 2: Oh there is, he's doing the walk of sass.
by swedishfencer May 19, 2019
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A sass bark is when your dog is barking, usually at something stupid, and you tell them to stop and, then, they give you one, final, low bark, to get in that last sass bark.
My dog is a little brat as she gave me a sass bark after I yelled at her to stop barking at the leaves blowing in the wind.
by Purplenado March 7, 2023
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the one and only louis tomlinson from one direction
he's known for being really sassy
Abby: do you know who the sass masta from doncasta is?
Elle: of course! he's louis tomlinson
by December 11, 2020
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someone full of sass that keeps you interested for a loooooooooong time. modifications: sasshole

a.k.a adrianna
That Adrianna chick has infinite sass.
by b1992argh November 25, 2008
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