Liver math is the calculation(s) you make throughout the night to help determine if you are sober enough to drive home.

Alcohol is processed by the body at a determined rate (generally one beer/shot/wine glass an hour), and you can save yourself a night in the drunk tank and some legal fees by adhering to liver math.

Liver math or cab fare. Either is a wise choice. Disregard at your own peril.
Friend #1: "My ex just showed up here with her new bf. I'm leaving as soon as the liver math allows it."

Friend #2: "No way! You're my ride! Let's get fucked up and take a cab when the bar closes. I'll drive you to your car tomorrow."

Friend #1: "Good call. Screw that bitch, anyway."
by mrbean34 March 10, 2014
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A archaic word for coward. Most commonly used in Old west times.
What a belly liver chicken shit !
by Rebais11 September 3, 2015
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The liver of a cat
Dude your cat needs to chill on the beers his kitty liver can't take much more.
by Mocha2 May 26, 2017
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Infamous drinking game that is typically held in frats nation wide. The rules are simple, the first person to need a stomach pump loses not only the game and their dignity but also the privilege of having a working liver. This should not be confused with a drowning liver.
Chad: Bros who's up for a game of liver drowning?
Cam: I can't I lost last week and can never drink again.
Chad: Bro why such a PUSSY?!
by GnarlyCharley325 March 6, 2019
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One badass based motherfucker, known for their significant contributions to society.
See that man? That mans a liveral! I hear he got Reddit PLATINUM after saving the kids from the fire. He definitely gets all the ladies
by Chuckecheesus September 18, 2021
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1) the beat up pussy walls resulting from countless poundings of meat in taco.
2) the smell and color resembles liver
wow Davey why'd you pound those liver slices???
by SETHMU October 14, 2008
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When a mans penis is so large it feels like he flipped your liver.
My mans penis is so big he’s definitely a liver flipper.
by Double D 2 November 16, 2017
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