Gay albino with a bald patch and a boyfriend named Phil
by 000000007 October 16, 2018
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"see Henry there?"


by Potato734 December 2, 2019
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A force that consumes all fun.

A serious situation.
I'm sorry, that's a real Henry.
by rahrahlou April 18, 2011
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he is a bolos of beauty and a chinese warrior that loves my little pony
Omg u are such a henry just OMG
by UrNanIsFat June 18, 2017
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A Jewish guy with a huge Afro who is basically dating someone. His sister is better than him at everything and his mom is hot.
Henry is such a faggot
by Agahahahhahah March 15, 2019
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an incredibly lanky young man, with very long hair, almost resembling bigfoot. he wears glasses and hangs out with a bunch of dudes like a huge gay idiot.
guy 1: holy shit is that bigfoot? he looks kinda gay..
guy 2: nah bruh that's henry
by henryisdumb July 12, 2018
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