A tall realer who's a savage but loves a lot of girls and always ends up fucking their feelings. He also loves basketball and also does'nt crush on many girls.
i entirely wish i could be one of George's favourite bitches. Just saying..
by Gucho April 26, 2017
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A creepy guy who likes young girls and their feet. Especially if it is a friend’s little sister.
Did you hear what George did- so creepy.”
by Lolololo991999 May 16, 2019
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Blonde hair brown eyes

I once met a boy
He had hair as gold as treasure
And a dark brown eye
He was also quite clever

I became friends with him
We had fun and laughed for hours
Despite his weird trim
As we laid among fields of flowers

Deep down inside

I felt like he owned my heart
But I knew these feelings I had to hide
I am his friend, I must play my part

Everyday he grew darker and darker
All I wanna do is help him
And show him true love forever
But life is not a fantasy instead it’s rather grim.

Why must unrequited love hurt so?
It’s not even like he knows though...
A sad poem about my friend George. I hope he sees this one day
by Taylortron3008 October 26, 2020
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Living human garbage who is obseced with animu inkluding naruto kun
by killyourself420 December 28, 2016
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A fictional individual used to describe a statistical outlier who is such an extreme that it significantly offsets the average, often in humorous or memey context. Is used both with realistic and fictional things being averaged.
Likely originated from Tumblr.
The claim that the average human eats 7 spiders every year is false, the average number of spiders a human eats per year is 0. Spiders Georg, who eats over 10 000 spiders every day, was a statistical outlier and should have not been counted.

The claim that a wizard wears 8 robes per day on average is a myth, the average number of robes a wizard wears per day 1. Robes Georg, who wears over 10 000 robes every day, is a statistical outlier and should have not been counted.
by Wooferwoof May 30, 2022
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