When Facebook takes over all life and is everyones emotion. Past the point where people literally starting writing on peoples walls and say "lol" out loud when they find something humerous.
Dave- "Hey, I put ILY on your wall yesterday. Didn't you see it?"

Michelle- "What the fuck asshole? It took me an hour to scrub that off. But I did lol about it for a little"

Mitch- "FB takeover"
by doodoopants92 February 1, 2011
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Follow back often used when you want someone to follow u cause your following them usually for accounts that aren't rinsta's
Hey could u fb on insta?
by Fb on insta December 10, 2016
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Specifically for football Twitter and the numerous virgins on the platform, ‘fb g’ means follow back g.
by fabsfulham on twitter January 28, 2021
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otherwise known as .."from behind"-- meaning to flip over from your back to your knees in order to assume the position of doggy style

*Note*- fb does not necessarily have to be anal. It can be just as hot when it turns into sexy motion in the ocean with the vagina instead
Ryan-"Wanna go fb?"
Kendra-"Oooh babe, you read my fuckin mind! Fuck yeah, Gil, flip me over babe."
by DRAmeAslice July 29, 2018
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On instagram, somebody could comment one of your pictures "yo can I get a fb?"
by :(hi): April 20, 2015
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