A gay bitched whose a whore likes to suck dick and act gay
A fagget named Christian asked a guy if he wanted to suck his dick
by BigBadDeeznuts May 18, 2015
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A person that gets alot of pussy and he loves to get with hot girls
He got with that girl and her sister
Christian got with her and her sister
by Candalstick May 25, 2011
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Someone who believes in God and his son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. A real Christian does not try to force their beliefs on others, and rarely tells people straight out that they are one, but lives like it every day. They realize that no one is perfect, especially themselves, and they do not attempt to make people believe they are.
Some Christians are always trying to force their beliefs on others, and because of those idiots, the rest of us get a bad name and are always being ridiculed.
Girl: Are you a Christian?
Christian: Yea, why?
Girl: You're not going to try to "convert me," are you?
Christian: Why would I do that?
Girl: You all do.
Christian: You've met some pretty bad Christians, haven't you?
by S.Elizabeth January 25, 2010
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a person who belives there awesome! also there caring, thoughtful, beautiful and great friends usaly layed back and knows how to hold a grudge. She or he is also easy to love.
damn that girl christian is fucking awesome and hella sexy!
by hklj July 11, 2009
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Christian...she is tired of looking up her name only to find 90% boy results and 10% church results.She is a super artistic and loving and supportive,sweet person but don’t cross her over. She will tell you where you stand with her and make sure you know. She is a silly person and loves her friends.She gets attention but doesn’t want it all the time either
Person:oh I don’t like that girl
Christian:haha no one asked...
by Christian February 4, 2018
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Very attractive and shy kinky as hell great body but is shy dark moody and mysterious it's hella hot is romantic when he wants to be and when he is it's unbelievable
by WanderingRain February 5, 2018
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Good looking guy both inside and out with a great personality. Fun to be around because he always makes you laugh...acts like a BIG KID!!! =P Sports loving fan. He is responsible and honest, faithful and loves children. Any girl would be lucky to be with him.
If you don't have a Christian, get one soon cause they go fast. Each sold seperatly shipping and handling not included...sometimes, ha ha ;)
by Princesa Leia May 4, 2010
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