A lanky dude who messes around In 11th grade at breakers and lunches and A guy who ditches his main friend group for his girlfriend, A kid who cries if they mention her name in any form
Will Brady
by Martin Wayne April 21, 2020
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When you gotta shit so bad that you run to the toilet only to come up short and shit your pants!
I had to shit so bad at the Cracker Barrel that I ran to the bathroom only to pull The Brady in my pants before I could get them off!!
by lumpy007 May 29, 2014
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brady is a super cute guy he's very weird but you'll still fall in love with him. brady usually has bright blue eyes and is drop dead gorgeous, he so sweet and caring even tho he doesn't show it sometimes, brady will melt your heart every time y'all talk. he has all the ladies but isnt very good with relationships. he can be a very good best friend.
i like brady but i dont know how to tell him
by someone whos likes a brady April 29, 2019
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To sit on the floor with the head lowered and hands clasped between the legs. Though not related to Tebowing by it was inspired by it ever since the pose have been used by the star quarterback of the New England Patriots Tom Brady after losing their second Super Bowl to the New York Giants.
After I ragequit the game, I started Bradying in depression.
by Idiot-Finder2 February 9, 2012
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A person with beautiful blue eyes and sweet as candy but only to people he dates
by Bradysgirl November 11, 2018
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Brady is the type of guy to leave a Katy for a Brooke. Sorry Katy’s, but a Brooke is going to steal your Brady
Guy 1: “Did you hear, Brady and Katy broke up!”

Guy 2: “Ya, He left her for Brooke

Guy 1 “Really? Lucky Brooke’s so hot”
by London bridge fell down November 20, 2019
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Contrary to the celebratory act of "Tebowing", "Bradying" is when you sit on the floor with your legs out, hands clenched in a pouting-child form. This can often result from incomplete passes, being sacked by Justin Tuck, or simply losing the Super Bowl to the New York Giants. So if your day is going pretty bad - take a seat on the ground, it's bound to get worse.
Brady: Damn, lost another one to the Giants
Brady: Welp, it's just you and me turf...time for some Bradying.
Belichick: Get up Tom...
by MikeASU February 10, 2012
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