A group of friends who leave the establishments to achieve greatness.
Gotta Leave at 12:15 for the BAMF Mission
by FunkyJazz2223 December 1, 2010
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A camp in which all the Bad Ass Mother Fuckers go. They are so amazing that they get to go to camp with all the other BAMFs and all of the losers cant go.
Camper 1: Hey, Where the hell did Billy Tinkler go?
Camper 2: Oh he went to BAMF Camp, he is one Bad Ass Mother Fucker.
by Rhinoezzzzzz January 18, 2010
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The act of becoming just THAT much more awesome.
My abs could use a little bamfing-up. I don't quite have a six pack yet.
by seacirque September 27, 2011
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An unattractive woman with few morals and a loose vagina. A Skitchy Bamf will typically infect a person with any number of sexually transmitted diseases because she will likely have them all. A Skitchy Bamf is not fun to look at, but if you're looking for a sure thing, she'll do just about anything...but your dick might just fall off...
Dan: Did you see that Skitchy Bamf that Joe is hookin' up with?

Jeff: Yeah, Kirk said that when she gave Joe her number some guy at the bar told him that they call her the Yeast Beast. He didn't tell Joe 'cause he wanted to get him back for dropping his iphone in the toilet.
by Cshell April 4, 2011
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A very important bad ass mother fucker, usually can win at thimble thumble war with ease. There is a hierarchy of Bamf VIPS Starting with Jweezy and below is Mshizzle the list stops there
Justin and Melissa are Bamf VIPs
by justin123 May 6, 2008
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The opposite of pwning a bamf, where verbs are nouns and nouns, verbs
Wil- winning epically at Half-Life 2 "I'm gonna BAMF a PWN."
by Widdle Warrior December 18, 2008
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1. BAMF is the acornym for Broke Ass Mother Fucker! usually referring to someone with little, or no money that tries any way possible to manipulate getting things for free or for little cost.
When a women asks you for money and you just met her! She's a BAMF (Broke Ass Mother Fucker)!

Anyone who bypasses responsibilities like paying bills for things like clothes are considered a BAMF (Broke Ass Mother Fucker)!

You go out to club and the cover is $5 and you don't wanna pay it your a BAMF (Broke Ass Mother Fucker)!
by Dreizy! November 4, 2009
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